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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

A Pittance of Time

Every day, a soldier is killed in the line of duty. He gave his life for his country, so that the rest of us would be safe and free. Every day, a soldier's wife is notified that her husband has been killed. Every day, a mother grieves for the son or daughter she lost in the military.

Veterans who made it home, silently suffer with memories of horrors most of us could not imagine. From wounds that cause pain every minute of the day.

Active military personnel spend years away from their families and friends. They miss out on so much. Holidays. Celebrations. Births of children.  Precious last moments with a dying loved one.

Often, they must live in horrendous conditions while they serve. Hostile weather. Sleeping in hard beds, or none at all. Sweating in sweltering heat.  Lousy food. Grueling marches. Constant anxiety.

Their families must go on without them until they come home. Comfort crying kids who miss their mommy or daddy. Worry every minute. Keep the home fires burning... alone. Try to make ends meet. 

On this day, let us remember those who keep us free and safe. Who make America the wonderful country it has always been. Thank a soldier and a veteran today. Smile and pray for them and their families.

God Bless America!

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