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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

CSI Clean!

I must admit that I watch too much TV.  
By far, my favorite shows are crime stories. Criminal Minds. Law and Order. 
Blue Bloods. Forensic Files. 
It's fascinating to watch the detectives gather evidence with scientific equipment.
But how can I justify my
interest in such shows?  
Will this knowledge help me at home?  
No matter how much I fantasize, 
when I dust my living room... 
it's not for fingerprints.
Blood spatter analysis
doesn't help me wipe up spills in the kitchen. 
The shows do affect my daily activities though. 
I get such satisfaction knowing that when I'm finished cleaning my house, 
the only dirt and fibers that could be obtained by the team at MY crime scene,
would have to be left 
by the perpetrator himself. 
Socially, I can see where a little forensic knowledge might alienate you.  
It's not polite to 'interrogate' the neighbors, 
and they DO notice when you're making mental notes on what brand of cigarettes they smoke, 
what size shoes they wear, 
and the existence and location 
of any tattoos they might have. 
Looking back on my life experiences, 
I realize that I have never been called upon 
to pick someone out of a lineup, describe a suspect to a sketch artist, 
or even look through any mug shots.  
It would be much more rewarding for me 
to watch a TV program on Bible study, 
health issues, or writing books. 
Do I worry that watching all these crime stories might make me paranoid?  
Not at all.  
I don't think it's asking too much for immediate family members and close friends 
to provide a small DNA sample 
for possible future forensic comparison.  Do you?

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